5 Things You Need to Know About Cybersecurity

Feb 10, 2021 Blog Article

Gone are the days when cybersecurity was less than a top priority. Below, we discuss why you need to keep it top of mind.

Farah Mithani A tech-focused writer and editor, Farah covered topics related to cloud security, software, and hardware while working at a Fortune 500 company. She then joined Blancco as content marketing specialist. In that role, she authored data management, data erasure, and IT asset lifecycle content while supporting Blancco’s social media and email channels.

1. All Data Is Valuable

We hear about data breaches almost daily and most of them involve credit card information or logins. We are reaching a day where all data can be assimilated and processed for much larger attacks. An attack on logins for a small website could provide the password for the network of a large corporation, which could then be used to access intellectual property, customers, or vital information. Stealing multiple small pieces of information can lead to big breaches.

2. Any Breach Will Cost Your Organization

Do not think that your company is immune to a data breach. Data breaches will continue to be a big item in news stories and your data breach will be brought up for years. It will also have to be addressed in investor/corporate information and could be a major burden. For small companies, having a burglar break in and steal computers and valuables from their store does not directly hurt the company’s customers. Data breaches for small companies are different—they can directly affect a business’s customers when their passwords and credit card details are stolen. This gives a business a bad reputation and could be detrimental to their client base. 

3. You Can Prevent Most Data Breaches

Basic cybersecurity protection measures will prevent most attacks. Cybercriminals look for easy prey. Just like a locked door will typically dissuade a burglar, having basic cybersecurity protections in place will persuade most attackers to try another target.

4. Data Protection Is Here to Stay—Just Like Physical Security of Buildings

Years ago, having physical, on-premise security of your business property was looked at as an extra cost and was only done when the building was in a bad area or there was particularly important information to protect. Now we see most buildings have some sort of paid security service drive around or visit it each night. This basic protection dissuades potential intruders and keeps buildings safe. Not to mention, it also decreases liability and insurance premiums.

Data protection will soon be viewed in the same light. Safely storing and managing data is a permanent fixture of business and will be for the foreseeable future. Organizations that are avoiding it for cost or other reasons will only see a data breach and negative consequences. Move now so your data is protected.

5. You Can Rebound from a Data Breach

Data breaches are not the end all be all. They are a call to display to your customers, competitors, and industry how you respond to a failure of your cybersecurity system. New data security policies should be instituted and communication with affected parties should be direct. This communication is a chance to differentiate yourself to your customers. A highly visible company can rebound from a data breach and must do so to stay in business.

To learn more about implementing data security management measures, watch our on-demand webinar, “Blancco Recharge: Data Disposal Checklist – How to Mitigate Risk and Protect Data.”