Home • Resources • The Issue of Data Persistence The Issue of Data Persistence Sep 03, 2019 Blog Article
Vivian Cullipher Vivian is a career writer and editor, having covered technology-related topics for government and B2B organizations since before LinkedIn and the iPhone. As Blancco’s head of content, she oversees the development of thought-leadership-based copy for web, social media, and other Blancco communication channels.
Sellers said all data had been wiped. Read about the data we recovered: Privacy for Sale: Data Security Risks in the Second-Hand IT Asset Marketplace
There is a way to make sure your drives are completely data free. Watch the video: [VIDEO] How to Securely Erase Solid-State Drives (SSDs)
Why You Shouldn’t Rely on a Free File Shredder Managing the Data Lifecycle of Your Organization’s Assets Are Dark & Unstructured Data Putting Your Business at Risk? Blancco File Eraser