How Does Blancco Help Organizations Comply with the Philippines Data Privacy Act?

What is the Philippines Data Privacy Act?

The Philippines Data Privacy Act was implemented in 2012 “to protect the fundamental human right of privacy.”

The National Privacy Commission, created to overseen and enforce compliance with the Act in March 2016, drafted rules and regulations of the Act (known as “IRRs”). The IRRs require all entities involved in data processing to develop procedures for the collection and retention of personal data.

To Whom Does the Act Apply?

Individuals and legal entities that process personal information as well as any organization that processes the personal information of Philippines citizens regardless of location.

How Blancco Solutions Can Help

Blancco’s intuitive and flexible data erasure software allows highly-regulated organizations to easily automate and track their data destruction needs to improve security, privacy and compliance.

In addition to maintaining a high level of compliance, implementing Blancco solutions into your data lifecycle management process will help reduce the attack surface and exposure of sensitive information during potential cyber attacks.

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