Data at a Distance

How Cloud Migration Affects Data Classification, Minimization & Disposal

65% of organizations feel they can better manage EOL data on premises than in the cloud.

Cloud computing has empowered organizations to increase the volume of data they collect and store. While this data provides undeniable benefits, it can also be a liability, especially for businesses in highly regulated industries such as finance and healthcare.

This study shows how cloud computing has enabled the over-collection of data, why organizations need better data management processes throughout the data lifecycle—including at end of life (EOL)—and the differences in approaching EOL data in on-premise data centers vs. a public cloud environment.

Download our research study to learn:

  • How cloud migration has affected the ways organizations manage end-of-life data.
  • The challenge that healthcare and financial organizations face in managing rapidly accumulating data across its lifecycle.
  • Best practices for managing your organization’s end-of-life data destruction in the cloud and other active environments.
  • The business-altering consequences of failing to properly dispose of data, from an enlarged data attack surface to financial penalties to increased storage costs.

Based on a Coleman Parkes survey of 1,800 IT decision makers, “Data at a Distance” shows how all data-collecting organizations—regardless of sector—can proactively address data security and regulatory noncompliance risks related to data bloat in cloud environments.

Download the report today.